Sunday, July 26, 2009

Everyday Matters - My Favorite Drink

As I've said before, my intention with this blog was to continue on with Thing-a-Day, but switch to a thing-a-week. It's kind of been a thing-every-other-week or thing-a-month instead. So I finally bit the bullet and joined an online drawing Yahoo group called Everyday Matters. Some of you already know about it, but for those of you who don't.... they post an idea each week for people to draw and then you can post your drawing or link to the drawing... along with links to your other artwork or blog. 

So now I will be trying to do a sketch a week... amongst all of the other art I am trying to create. This is my first drawing.... my favorite drink. The proportions are not quite on, but for a first attempt at drawing in quite a while, I'm not too unhappy...

Right now, that other art would include another attempt at the mock-batik I did during Thing-a-Day. This time I am doing a silk scarf for a friend who has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. She shaved her head last weekend and I want to give her something fun to wear if she doesn't want to get sunburned. I also have a couple more pieces in process for the show in May. I got some inspiration from an art fair I volunteered at yesterday. 

Now if I could only find more than 24 hours in a day.



  1. Nice sketch! :) I can't wait for the mock-batik :)

  2. Welcome back to EDM - lovely sketch and I like the formatting. Yes, i agree there are never enough hours in the day, especially when you try to do a drawing a day.

  3. It is really nice. You are right - hard to keep up with everything. I did not succeed with a drawing a day - but in the end I figured if it is some form of artsy stuff most days it is still good ....
