Thursday, March 26, 2009

Updated Picture

This is an updated picture of the final tin can lid project, plus a couple of others that I am going to submit for purchase consideration.


  1. Hi Isolde! Thanks for letting me know that you finished the can lid project. It is lovely! So inspiring. Thanks for letting me know you finished it. And for letting me know about your blog. I am now a follower...

  2. PS I am from Minneapolis originally. My family still all lives there...

  3. They're all great!

    The tin/can lid idea is a truly inspired one. I've seen the little wrapped mirrors you can get. I love the background.

    I love the design of the bottom piece too. Very fine and geometric - is it produced with pen or paint?

  4. PS - it's good to catch up again after EDM! :-)

  5. The green graphic started out as an exercise in a drawing class. It was actually only one of the sides shown. A couple years later if needed to do a surfacing technique in my papermaking class. I scanned the ink drawing I had done previous and colorized it. Then I took my handmade paper and ran it through the printer 4 times from a different direction each time. An experiment that actually worked!
